Get your Website or Design

Web design and development in accordance to your budget and need without compromising quality. Get your website in various modern and reliable technologies like HTML, PHP, React, Django, MERN stack, WordPress, Shopify etc.



Abhijeet Singh Bundela is a Web Designer Developer and Technical Lead

Abhijeet's expertise are web design and development from start to finish, creating robust, functional websites that solve real problems for people and businesses.

With over 4 years of experience in various technologies and tools, you're getting an end product that is organized, well made, follows UX and UI principles, secure, and functional. Web Development or Design will be by your requirements, needs, and budget. The project will either be made by me or for some technical things a few parts can be passed on to other developers where my responsibility will be of technical lead where I'll be overseeing development so the product will be in accordance to plan.

Few of my projects you may like

Anirosite | Wildlife Photographer

UI UX - design
This is the standard level one-page UI UX design of the mock portfolio of Wildlife Photographer, it's simple and to the point that does it work, but I tried to make it bit interesting.

WikiDoe - Web App about dog info

React - Web App
This is an example of web app made using React.js only, that uses reusable components and react-routers making the development way easier, in this app you can find the base important about most popular dog breeds they are divided into groups.


UI UX - design | Standard
It's a landing page of one mock Restaurant website, I made this as challenge the level of this web design is standard it took me like week to coming up with idea editing and experimenting with elements to make it, it could be further improved to premium level if took a month of work, but here it's organized, uses of colors and elements is beautiful, uses of shadows, opacity and small little elements gives website needed depth and personality.


UI UX - design | Basic to Standard - Premium
When it comes to UI and UX design, designs have levels that are Basic, Standard and Premium, even at times levels can have sublevels dependent on what client wants for example, Basic-low to Basic-high it's more better colors and more eye catching but still it'll not be standard level, Basic low requires the least amount of work and can be done very quickly. It's not a fixed scale some website can be fall between standard to premium level, but this scale gives you clear idea what you're looking for, But for example website or app that are Standard to Premium level, requires much amount of work, planning, creativity and time, you're looking for some kind of results that reflects something and these type of designs takes times even longer than their development process at times, but one thing needs to be understood increasing level of designs doesn't mean you put more design elements and stuff on the website or app it's about reaching clarity and trying to achieve some kind of specific goal and results. So make sure you know what you want and what your website or app needs.

Below is the login screen example of sMedia that shows what we talked about.


React - Web App
This is an example of image search web app where on search it fetches data from API and shows the results, I tried to make it simple and to the point.

Hansara Yoga Center

UI UX - design
'Hansara Yoga Center' is the mock website example yoga center, it did take me some amount of research to do the justice with the website, all the symbols, colors, texts represent something.

CSS & JavaScript Mini Projects

Mini Fun Projects
These are examples of CSS and JavaScript I purely made to practice and test my skills, these kinds of projects may be small, but it took amount of work and coding even creativity to achieve the results these are personal projects, but I decided to put them here.

1. UX UI Design for mobile or web apps

This service contains the User Experience Design and User Interface Design, client will get the full design of a website or mobile app dependent upon the requirements, that will be modern and completely in accordance with your idea, brand, and goals, though different projects may require the different design that may give a classic, vibrant, modern, dark, natural look, etc.

service illustration

2. Front-end web development

This service can contain previous UX UI design + Front-end web development or if you already have the design then just Front-end web development.

In this service development will be about the front-end of the website, most websites only require the development of the front-end or you may only be looking for front-end development. In front-end development website doesn't get connected to any backend server or functionality but we hard code all the important data in the website and launch it that is usually a static website.

Some examples of that can be your personal website, information website, portfolio website, etc. This website is also made in front-end only.

Technologies used can be core HTML, CSS, JS, or React.js if required which is a high-end library for front-end development.

service illustration

3. Full stack web development

This service can contain previous UX UI design + Front-end development + Back-end Development. If you already have design then front-end and back-end development or if you already have a website in which the front-end is built, and you are looking to add back-end functionalities then back-end development only.

What back-end is? In general, we add back-end in the website that requires server-side functionality, back-end data, or dynamic data. Some examples are food ordering system, table booking system, hotel room booking system, e-commerce websites, shopping sites, dynamic blog, news websites, etc.

Technologies used for full stack development can be HTML, CSS, JS & PHP (or LARAVEL) Stack, MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) Stack, HTML, CSS, JS, and Django (Python) stack.

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4. Development by CMS

Web Development by CMS (content management system) or web builders is another approach, this service contains web development or web store creation by using CMS systems like WordPress, Shopify, Webflow, and Framer.

CMS are modern or reliable tools for fast and secure web development that don't usually require coding a website manually much but they may require an extra amount annually (subscriptions) to use their services but it depends on individual websites. Some websites can be built in less or using free plugins and tools some may require to purchase premium. But some types of websites work very well with some CMS systems like WordPress or Shopify etc, where the admin can update it manually.

Pros of using cms are clients themselves can maintain the websites at times because it doesn't always need to change codes and comes with an admin panel for example in WordPress and Shopify but other times they may require a developer. It makes development fast and gives the client some control.

Cons of using CMS are they require subscriptions sometimes for very services that can easily be built if we make a website via coding and can be expensive to develop and maintain.

The developer's role in development will be to find the best approach yet frugal approach for development, sometimes manual coding for some things or choosing the best plugins and services for development, creation of a well-organized website that follows the UX UI principles.

CMS systems are WordPress, Shopify, Webflow, and Framer for example.

service illustration

Pricing and Contact

Pricing decides with 3 factors

  • Your requirements and goals?
  • How much time and work it’ll take?
  • What technologies and assets we are using?

Wanna talk? Contact me below or email me at